Supporting NIH Projects

CRAB Supports the National Institutes of Health Efforts to Prevent and Eradicate Cancer

CRAB has contributed to NIH funded projects for 25+ years. In partnership with Fred Hutch Cancer Research Center, CRAB is also a part of the Statistics and Data Management Center for both the SWOG Cancer Research Network and Cancer Screening Research Network (CSRN). CRAB helps NIH projects in several ways:

Data Management and Analysis: Our data management and analysis services to support NIH-funded research projects. We develop and implement data management systems, analyze and interpret data, and provide insights to inform research decisions.

Research Computing Resources and Infrastructure: CRAB supplies research computing resources and infrastructure for NIH-funded research projects. This includes developing and maintaining high-performance computing systems, data storage systems, and other research infrastructure.

Collaborative Research Partnerships: CRAB collaborates with NIH-funded researchers and institutions to design and conduct research projects. This includes developing research priorities and strategies, providing technical expertise and support to research projects.

Training and Education: CRAB provides training and education programs for NIH-funded researchers, clinicians, and students in data science, research computing, and data management. This builds capacity and expertise in the research community.

Research Findings: We help disseminate research findings from NIH-funded projects to the broader research community and the public through our expertise in publishing study results.